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Self-portraits | Collages


Cut and paste selfies from all kinds of found materials – include your inner self in the picture! Favorite color, food and hobby, what makes you you? Welcome to a fun hair-cutting workshop with Jóhanna Ásgeirsdóttir on Saturday, March 1 at 1-3 p.m. in Gerðarsafn. All materials on site, all are welcome!

Jóhanna Ásgeirsdóttir (1993) visual artist and teacher. She creates installations, experiences and sculptures inspired by science and environmental issues. She completed her bachelor’s degree in art from New York University and her master’s degree in art education from Iceland’s University of the Arts. She has participated in and curated art exhibitions in Iceland, Berlin and New York. She was the artistic director of the art festival Art without Borders, and now works at Reykjavík Visual Art School and in various creative projects

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