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SCULPTURE & SMÖRRE is a cozy evening for adults in Gerðarsafn where participants are introduced to sculpture. The aim of the workshop is to be a fun and creative experience, with the assistance of an artist and teacher Örn Alexander Ámundason and participants will create their own sculptures in plaster. The price of SCULPTURE & […]

Anniversary of Gerðarsafn | Exhibition opening, book release and sculpture park

In celebration of the 30-year anniversary of Gerdarsafn the exhibition Transformation will be opened, which brings to light the unique heritage that Gerður Helgadóttir left in Icelandic art and bears witness to her deep search for aesthetic truth. On the same occasion we celebrate the release of the publication In search of space – Exploring […]

Anniversary of Gerðarsafn | Exhibition opening, book release and sculpture park

In celebration of the 30-year anniversary of Gerdarsafn the exhibition Transformation will be opened, which brings to light the unique heritage that Gerður Helgadóttir left in Icelandic art and bears witness to her deep search for aesthetic truth. On the same occasion we celebrate the release of the publication In search of space – Exploring the art of […]

Komd’inn | Short Films from Peru

All are welcome to a screening of four short films by Peruvian artist, Rafael Hastings, The Unconditioned Unconcealment [4 Short Films On The Act Of Disappearing] from 1974, Sunday 16th June at 3 p.m. in Gerðarsafn. The event is co-hosted by Hugo Llanes, artist and cultural facilitator and is a part of Komd’inn event programming.After […]

Soundscape of Fossvogur | Outdoor sculpture

Soundscape of Fossvogur is a temporary outdoor sculpture which creates a dialogue between art and nature. The outdoor work is a product of RE-USE a European collaborative project between Iceland, Italy, Slovakia and the Czech Republic that examines the role of art creation in the context of sustainable behaviour. The artwork represents the sound of […]

Guided tour | Here is my home

All are welcome to join a guided tour of the exhibition Here is my home, in Spanish with Yuliana Palacios, Saturday 8th June 2 p.m. The exhibition is part of Reykjavik Arts Festival. Here is my home is a video art installation that explores the theme of rooting and belonging in a new environment. Through […]

Art and Nature

Welcome to the conference Art and Nature on 31st May 2024. The conference explores the relationship between art and nature within art education. The conference is held in collaboration with Louisiana (DK), Moderna Museet (SE), Beyeler Foundation (CH) and Stiftung Kunst und Natur (DE) and provides valuable insight into the educational program of these leading […]

Here is My Home

Here is My Home is a video art installation by Yuliana Palacios that explores the theme of rooting and belonging in a new environment. Through a heartfelt collection of experiences, it portrays the journey of adaptation and the quest to find a sense of belonging in a foreign land. This piece serves as a tribute […]

Krakkaleiðsögn á sumardegi

Örn Alexander Ámundason myndlistarmaður býður upp á krakkaleiðsögn um sýningar Sóleyjar Ragnarsdóttur og Þórs Vigfússonar, Hjartadrottningu og Tölur, staðir sem nú standa yfir í Gerðarsafni. Aðgangur á leiðsögnina er ókeypis og krakkar og fjölskyldur hjartanlega velkomin. —— Á sýningunni Hjartadrottning birtist áhorfendum heillandi hugar- og efnisheimur myndlistarkonunnar Sóleyjar Ragnarsdóttur. Ofurskrautleg málverk og skúlptúrar af ýmsum stærðum og […]

Numbers, places | Þór Vigfússon

The exhibition NUMBERS | PLACES presents a new installation by artist Þór Vigfússon which he created specifically for the Gerðarsafn exhibition hall. The exhibition consists of numerous equal-sized coloured glass squares, spread around the hall in a particular fashion, creating an interaction between colours, form and space. At first glance, Vigfússon’s exhibition appears to be […]

Guided tour with Sóley Ragnarsdóttir and H.K. Rannversson

Guided tour of the exhibition accompanied by Sóley Ragnarsdóttir and H.K. Rannversson. The exhibition Queen of Hearts presents the fascinating conceptual- and material world of artist Sóley Ragnarsdóttir. Here, hyper-decorative paintings and sculptures of various shapes and sizes, beautifully painted wall surfaces and custom-designed wallpaper as well as display tables with a unique collection of […]

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