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Gerðarsafn Art Museum

The artistic activities of Gerðarsafn are shaped by the director of Gerðarsafn in collaboration with the museum’s advisory committee. The role of the advisory committee is to provide professional advice on Gerðarsafn’s exhibition and collection strategy.

The role and composition of the Gerðarsafn advisory committee

Gerðarsafn’s advisory committee shall be made up of three people in addition to the director of Gerðarsafn, who will supervise the committee. The director of Gerðarsafn selects the committee members based on professional criteria, based on qualifications, education, work experience, gender, age and other factors that may be relevant to the selection.

Among the tasks of the advisory committee is to review exhibition proposals and advise the director on exhibition and collection policy and the purchase of materials. The work of the committee is the responsibility of the director of Gerðarsafn, and the committee is bound by confidentiality in its work for the museum.

The director of Gerðarsafn submits for approval to the Kópavog City Arts and Culture Council the working rules and duties of the committee, which also specifies how the work duties of the committee members are carried out outside of meetings. The director of Gerðarsafn convenes committee meetings according to the planned agenda at least two days in advance. The director of cultural affairs of Kópavogur is invited to committee meetings, but is not bound to attend all meetings of the committee.

It is expected that the committee will meet four times a year, but a maximum of five times. The salaries of the committee members are determined by the Arts and Culture Council and are charged to Gerðarsafn. Committee members are paid for the meetings they attend. The director of Gerðarsafn writes the minutes of the meetings, which are submitted to the Council of Arts and Culture.

The composition of the committee is subject to the approval of the Arts and Culture Council. The term of office of the committee is for one year at a time with the possibility of an extension for one year. All major proposals of the committee, such as the purchase of works of art, must be submitted to the Arts and Culture Council for approval before a decision is made.

Gerðarsafn’s active advisory board consists of Eggert Pétursson, Katrín Elvarsdóttir and Sindri Leifsson as well as the acting director, Brynja Sveinsdóttir.

Photo: Geometry exhibition

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